1960 cont.


A Letter From Professor Marcel Homet, Rio de Janerio, 25th March 1960 (excerpts)

You will be interested to know that my book the 'Son of the Sun' has been published in Germany and Switzerland under the title: "Die Sohne der Sonne"; in Brazil as 'Filhos do Sol'; in Chile as 'Dos Hijos del Sol', and thanks to Mr. Ayob, it should shortly appear in the U.S.A. The book is being followed by another one which will be more on a scientific basis, this is called 'A la Poursuite des Dieux Solaires', and it is at the present moment with a Swiss publisher who is considering it. You will be interested to note that one of the tribes which I visited recently is called 'Iaveh' and has a ruined, but accessible capital city, with graves, called Canaan. They have blue or light colored eyes and an abundance of wavy hair. They have several traditions, which include the following:

  1. A Floodstory where the tribal ancestor was warned of the disaster and embarked with his family on a fleet of pirogues to reach the upper parts of the country. Everything was destroyed by fire . An enormous fish eat many of the children of the tribe. Then the waters dropped. But as, after this, there was no longer enough water for all to live, the tribe split into groups (Diespota) and the common language broke up into dialects.
  2. The Son of God, named Kano-Siva, died. His body decomposed. But when the great Sun God heard of this he revived his dead son telling him: 'Now go and teach the new ideas to the world'.
  3. This tribe share with another tribe, the Tapirapes, a story of a lost earthly paradise, which runs as follows:
  4. " Once upon a time people lived at the bottom of a deep lake. In the middle of the lake there was a hole through which the Solar God came to them. These people knew nothing of the earth, and also knew nothing of death and illness. One day, however, the son of the chief fell ill. In despair some of the young people decided to ascend to the earth to learn how to treat the disease. They met a chief who said "Do not kill me and I will show you the universal panacea which cures all illness". And he took them to a great tree where he showed them some honey. The young people returned home with the precious gift and the son of the chief was cured. But, inspired by the story of the journey: sky, flowers, streams, earth, the inhabitants of the lake decide to emigrate, and climbing through the hole they made their way towards the surface. But their priest ordered them not to leave. When they refused he cursed them. After some time in their new home they came across the carcasses of animals, dead trees, etc., and thus came to know illness and death. Then, becoming afraid, they decided to return to their ancestral home but on arriving at the hole they found their passage blocked by a huge serpent. In this way they lost their paradise and knew death and disease."Naturally my dear Mr. Egerton you will think that these tales were influenced by missionaries. But an old friend of mine, Mgr. Luiz Palha, Bishop of Conceicao de Araguaia (Estado de Goias) who came there as a missonary some thirty years ago, assures me that at that time the indians had never seen a white man. And he guarantees absolutely the intrinsic value of these pre European traditions. If you desire further details you can always write to him. About 500 klm from this region, in Amazon Basin, a moderate distance over here, I found thousands of extraordinary inscriptions which could be called of a Mediterranean type, if it had not been for the fact that they are much older than the earliest civilizations of the Near East, being from eight to ten thousand years old. There is a Sun with 35 flames, a Lotus (Baal), Swastikas, Maltese Crosses, etc. I also came across traces of a megatherium of which I photographed the footprints, and also a rock drawing. All this was in the Cadimee Mountains. A thousand or more kilometers from there I found the only Cro-Magnon statuette to be discovered in this part of the world. It is in a metamorphic rock, Phyllite, and the patina on it has been analyzed chemically and dated at 8 to 10 thousand years. This statuette was accompanied by all the usual Magnalenian artifacts: Burins, Scrapers, knives, etc., and a magnificent statuette of a fossilized Steatopyge Venus, which my chemist says dates from the same period. In the North east of Brazil, there has just been discovered artifacts and skeletal remains, dating back some 25,000 years. The specialists who have been dealing with this, only two months ago, affirm that we are dealing with American Man and that all the earlier theories are mistaken. Three months ago an aircraft passing over the Sierra Parima, the object of my present expedition, saw MY town, which I have described in the 'Son of the Sun'. The pilot wanted to return there but he could not find it again. But an engineer working on a new Belem-Brasilia road, which will link the coast with the new capital of Brazil, decided to search for the site after having been told by the pilot that he had perfectly recognized the lines of ruined columns along with streets. As I am the only other person to know the exact bearings of this town the engineer came to consult me. One of these days we hope to leave with a Catalina aircraft with some 20 parachutists on board who will be dropped over the site. They will cut a landing strip so that a month or so later we shall be able to return and investigate the site. Marcel Homet.

News from the USSR, by Dr. N. Zhirov in his Cave Paintings in the Urals

The Soviet biologist and speleologist Alexander Rumm, reports having discovered in the Kapova cave in the South Urals a series of cave paintings made by man in the Orignac-Solutre-Madgalaine periods. The paintings were found in the Upper Levels of the Cave at a point, which was very difficult of access. They included pictures of cave bears, wolves, hyenas, red deer, Przevalski horses, and other animals. What was of great interest were the paintings of saber toothed tigers, of true elephants with short pro-boscis, and of tropical antelopes. These present an enigma for, as far as we know, the saber-toothed tiger became extinct several hundred thousands of years ago, while the tropical animals did not live in the Urals in the Pleistocine. The pictures are very old and are coated with a transparent caliciferous layer. The cave is rich in drawings in red ochre. All the walls and ceilings of this upper chamber are covered with them. They are of all periods: Orignac, Solutre, Magdalenian, each with its typical peculiarities, frequently one on top of the other. Near the cavern were discovered a rock formation resembling the Egyptian Sphinx. It would appear possible that here also was a sancuary of the nature of that discovered on the Marahusi Plateau by Dr. Daniel Ruzo. The Academy of Science of the USSR is sending a special expedition to the cave in order to study it. A report on the matter was written by Yu. Guriev and published in Isvestia for 27.12.59.

The Existence of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, By E. Sykes

We have just received a note from Dr. N. Th. Zhirov, to the effect that professor V. Bogorov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Chief of the Soviet Oceanographical Expedition on the ship 'Vitiaz' has communicated in a recent article in the press that while working in the Indian Ocean this expedition has found not only a new great submarine elevations but also individual submarine mountains.

In the Western part of the Indian Ocean cores taken from the sea bottom at a depth of 5 kilometers showed a layer of sand under a deposit of two meters of ordinary ocean silt. The Professor thinks this is a trace of the former Lemuria. He points out that the many small islands and banks in the Northern waters of the Indian Ocean may also well be traces of this lost continent. Dr. Zhirov thinks that this Lemuria may be the mythical mother country of Sumarian Legend, the Snake Island of the Egyptian story, and to be linked with some of the archaeological cultures of East Africa.

Webmaster Note-It seems two different Lemurias' have to be distinguished from one or the other the Indian Ocean one and the Pacific one. As to the Snake Island, and Dilmun or Punt Land's Prince as the island being in the Indian Ocean is possible, but a confusion of stories had occurred. Note that the serpent of the island was plumed, a more Atlantic or Atlantis side of the African identity, yet the prince sails from Punt which is on the Indian Ocean side where his journey started from. We may consider the twin Ethiopic atlantis's were extended empires of Atlantis from the Atlantic who moved in a eastward tract of migration. Lemuria may have already existed and at this point had only its final islands to supply some influence upon by the Atlantic born Atlanteans. The Indian Ocean would thus mark the melting pot of Atlantean and Lemurian trade, which may have had serpent worship as the common thread. In this case the Cobra began to be depicted as winged like the Sun where as opposed to the Atlantic plumed serpent who was not a Cobra but was more of a sea ader, or south american flying ader in serpent variety. The symbols seem to have been heraldic and amalgamated yet the kingdoms in origin began differently from the other. The other aspect; outside of the above discussion, is the fact involving the fascination of slender objects being able to fly by early man's observations such as the boomerang, and living flying species (like the flying serpent, or flying fish). This might show a very early indication of interest in mimicking crude kites to fly with. Early Man figured if a snake and a fish can fly why can't he? We think that the making of flying vehicles may have occurred far earlier then we give credit to possible past civilizations, and may extend back to at least Paleolithic times. The only evidence offered is that man may have come across flight earlier then we know can be found in the point that elephant hide when decomposing if it is enclosed or sealed up with large amounts of methane may at times almost float or lighten its own outer weight. When a fire lights this explosion might have sent the hide into movement up into the air or away from the torch holder, or burning him. That observation may have given an idea like a balloon to use methane as a fuel to burn under the elephant hide or using sewn up portions of hide in patterns. The point may be fantastic or stranger then fiction but when we look at the Paleolithic man building huts out of the mastodons or mammoth bones in precise configurations, as if they are in a rude hindenberg zeppelin shapes, the mammoth hide was covering over the bones and sewn. One wonders if he took that next leap at some earlier time to be able to experiment with flying. It might have been some hunting practice gone wrong that may have led to the discovery of a certain chain of bio-chemical events. The only reason for mentioning this is that E. Cayce actually cited that the Atlanteans used balloons of mammoth skin, and a kind of fuel or heat to blow them up. I can envision that a logo like a flying serpent might be an appropriate symbol on a sail of a ship (Kite) or on a balloon. So, with this original insignia of this inventor and then it symbolically pointing back to his fascinations poetically and historically it was referring to that leader when he had first noted both observations and gave his discovery for others to use. For you can not see if the topography of Atlantis was once on a map a plumed serpent unless you are floating high into the air (unless one was psychic). It reminds me of the affirmation so is it above, so is it below. These comments above are admitted as speculation at best.

Who Were the Serpent Clan? E. Sykes end of 1960

Practically every important myth of cosmic disaster and recreation has some reference to serpents. In some cases, as in the Old Testament and in the Zoroastrian Legends the serpent ruler survived the disaster, in others, such as the Eddic story, where the Midgard Serpent perished, the serpent clan is wiped out. The general impression in the Old World of the exceptional wisdom and intellect of the serpent clan, brings us to the question: who were they? Practically the only thing that is certain is that they were not serpents, any more thatn any other race having an animal or a bird as its totem. It may therefore be assumed that they were a pre deluge race of humans, having a serpent as their totem, much as the snake of Asclepius became the insignia of the medical profession today. Their wisdom did not have to be superhuman, merely on a slight higher level than that usually prevailing. Whether they were merely contemporary with the Atlantean culture or whether they formed a part of it is still a question. Doubtless their technical achievements formed the basis for many of the stories of flying machines and the like, which have come down to us. That there was some basis in fact for them is shown by their prevailing myths of every nation from Ireland to Hindustan. Even allowing for the exaggeration of subsequent generations of professional storytellers, there remains a substratum of such matters as artillery, aircraft, mariner compasses, and the like to enable us to visualize the potentialities of the era. The reason why these inventions were not continued was the simple one that any system of technology not only demands the knowledge of what to do but also the materials and equipment with which to do it. For example many people know how to build a small radio set provided that they have available transistors or valves, copper wire, and insulation, electric supplies, and many kinds of fitments needed. But supposing that supplies of all these were suddenly cut off by some cosmic disaster. The effort of staying alive would occupy the attention of most people, and the equipment salvaged would continue to be used until it wore out. In a few generations the accomplishments of the past would become a series of fairy tales to amuse children."

" And this is what seems to have happened here. It takes between ten and twelve thousand years for a given culture to reach heights, it only remains to hope that we shall be luckier with ours that some of our predecessors."

Atlantis and the Ice Age, By Rene Malaise, D. Sc. 1961 begins



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